Irregular verbs Regular verbs
mistake, mistakes, mistaking, mistook, mistaken
Synonyms: error, misinterpret, misunderstand, confuse, blunder
Antonyms: correct, rectify, understand, clarify, comprehend
The verb "mistake" is used to describe the action of incorrectly identifying or misunderstanding something. It is an irregular verb in English, with distinct forms for different tenses. In the present simple tense, "mistake" is conjugated as follows: "I mistake," "you mistake," "he/she/it mistakes," "we mistake," "you (plural) mistake," and "they mistake." For example, "I often mistake her for her sister." In the past simple tense, "mistake" changes to "mistook." This form is used to describe actions that were completed in the past. For instance, "He mistook the instructions and went to the wrong room." The past participle form of "mistake" is "mistaken." This form is used in perfect tenses, combined with auxiliary verbs. An example sentence is, "She has mistaken the date of the meeting." The present participle and gerund form of "mistake" is "mistaking." This form is used for continuous tenses and as a noun. For example, "He is constantly mistaking their names." Understanding the correct forms and usage of "mistake" is important for clear and accurate communication, especially given its irregular conjugation.
Irregular verbs in English are special verbs that don't follow standard rules for changing forms. You need to memorize their specific forms instead of following regular patterns.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.
★ i | mistake |
★ you | mistake |
★ he/she/it | mistakes |
★ we | mistake |
★ you | mistake |
★ they | mistake |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Present Simple |
- I mistake her for someone else. |
- You mistake the meaning of the word. |
- He mistakes my intentions. | She mistakes his silence for anger. |
- We mistake one twin for the other. |
- You (plural) mistake the directions. |
- They mistake the symptoms for something else. |
★ i am | mistaking |
★ you are | mistaking |
★ he/she/it is | mistaking |
★ we are | mistaking |
★ you are | mistaking |
★ they are | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Present Continuous |
- I am mistaking the instructions. |
- You are mistaking my actions. |
- He is mistaking the signal. | She is mistaking his kindness. |
- We are mistaking the requirements. |
- You (plural) are mistaking the procedure. |
- They are mistaking each other’s roles. |
★ i have | mistaken |
★ you have | mistaken |
★ he/she/it has | mistaken |
★ we have | mistaken |
★ you have | mistaken |
★ they have | mistaken |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Present Perfect |
- I have mistaken him for his brother. |
- You have mistaken my name. |
- He has mistaken the address. | She has mistaken the date. |
- We have mistaken their intentions. |
- You (plural) have mistaken the route. |
- They have mistaken the symptoms for a cold. |
★ i have been | mistaking |
★ you have been | mistaking |
★ he/she/it has been | mistaking |
★ we have been | mistaking |
★ you have been | mistaking |
★ they have been | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Present Perfect Continuous |
- I have been mistaking the words in the text. |
- You have been mistaking my advice. |
- He has been mistaking the signals. | She has been mistaking his gestures. |
- We have been mistaking the guidelines. |
- You (plural) have been mistaking the procedure. |
- They have been mistaking the instructions. |
★ i | mistook |
★ you | mistook |
★ he/she/it | mistook |
★ we | mistook |
★ you | mistook |
★ they | mistook |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Past Simple |
- I mistook her for someone else yesterday. |
- You mistook the meaning of the message. |
- He mistook my intentions. | She mistook his silence for approval. |
- We mistook one building for another. |
- You (plural) mistook the directions. |
- They mistook the symptoms for the flu. |
★ i was | mistaking |
★ you were | mistaking |
★ he/she/it was | mistaking |
★ we were | mistaking |
★ you were | mistaking |
★ they were | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Past Continuous |
- I was mistaking the signs all along. |
- You were mistaking my tone. |
- He was mistaking the gestures. | She was mistaking his signals. |
- We were mistaking the rules. |
- You (plural) were mistaking the instructions. |
- They were mistaking each other’s expressions. |
★ i had | mistaken |
★ you had | mistaken |
★ he/she/it had | mistaken |
★ we had | mistaken |
★ you had | mistaken |
★ they had | mistaken |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Past Perfect |
- I had mistaken him for his twin before we met. |
- You had mistaken the name by then. |
- He had mistaken the address. | She had mistaken the time. |
- We had mistaken their request. |
- You (plural) had mistaken the path. |
- They had mistaken the symptoms for something minor. |
★ i had been | mistaking |
★ you had been | mistaking |
★ he/she/it had been | mistaking |
★ we had been | mistaking |
★ you had been | mistaking |
★ they had been | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Past Perfect Continuous |
- I had been mistaking the numbers all week. |
- You had been mistaking my words. |
- He had been mistaking the cues. | She had been mistaking his intentions. |
- We had been mistaking the instructions. |
- You (plural) had been mistaking the process. |
- They had been mistaking the symptoms for months. |
★ i will | mistake |
★ you will | mistake |
★ he/she/it will | mistake |
★ we will | mistake |
★ you will | mistake |
★ they will | mistake |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Future Simple |
- I will mistake the new layout. |
- You will mistake the instructions. |
- He will mistake the meaning. | She will mistake his behavior. |
- We will mistake the new system. |
- You (plural) will mistake the guidelines. |
- They will mistake the symptoms for something else. |
★ i will be | mistaking |
★ you will be | mistaking |
★ he/she/it will be | mistaking |
★ we will be | mistaking |
★ you will be | mistaking |
★ they will be | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Future Continuous |
- I will be mistaking the signs. |
- You will be mistaking the procedure. |
- He will be mistaking the signals. | She will be mistaking his actions. |
- We will be mistaking the rules. |
- You (plural) will be mistaking the steps. |
- They will be mistaking each other’s roles. |
★ i will have | mistaken |
★ you will have | mistaken |
★ he/she/it will have | mistaken |
★ we will have | mistaken |
★ you will have | mistaken |
★ they will have | mistaken |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Future Perfect |
- I will have mistaken the address by then. |
- You will have mistaken the meaning. |
- He will have mistaken the instructions. | She will have mistaken his response. |
- We will have mistaken their intentions. |
- You (plural) will have mistaken the directions. |
- They will have mistaken the symptoms for something minor. |
★ i will have been | mistaking |
★ you will have been | mistaking |
★ he/she/it will have been | mistaking |
★ we will have been | mistaking |
★ you will have been | mistaking |
★ they will have been | mistaking |
Examples of the verb 'mistake' in the Future Perfect Continuous |
- I will have been mistaking the names all year. |
- You will have been mistaking my advice. |
- He will have been mistaking the cues. | She will have been mistaking his actions. |
- We will have been mistaking the guidelines. |
- You (plural) will have been mistaking the steps. |
- They will have been mistaking the instructions. |