Irregular verbs  Regular verbs

outdraw, outdraws, outdrawing, outdrew, outdrawn
Synonyms: outpull, outstretch, outextend, surpass in drawing

Antonyms: draw less, fail to attract, draw fewer viewers

The verb "outdraw" is an irregular verb in English, used to describe the action of attracting a larger audience or garnering more attention than someone or something else. Its conjugation deviates from the regular pattern for verbs.

In the present simple tense, "outdraw" follows its base form for most subjects: "I outdraw," "you outdraw," "he/she/it outdraws," and so on. For example, "The new movie outdraws all other films at the box office."

In the past simple tense, "outdraw" changes to "outdrew." This irregular form is used to talk about actions that occurred and concluded in the past. For instance, "The artist outdrew his competitors at the exhibition."

The past participle of "outdraw" is "outdrawn." When forming perfect tenses, such as present perfect or past perfect, the past participle is combined with auxiliary verbs. An example sentence is "Their concert has outdrawn all previous events."

Understanding the irregular conjugation of "outdraw" is important for accurately describing actions related to attracting larger audiences or more attention. The verb "outdraw" is used in various contexts, emphasizing its significance in the English language.
Irregular verbs in English are special verbs that don't follow standard rules for changing forms. You need to memorize their specific forms instead of following regular patterns.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.

★ i outdraw
★ you outdraw
★ he/she/it outdraws
★ we outdraw
★ you outdraw
★ they outdraw
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Present Simple
- I often outdraw other artists in competitions.
- You usually outdraw your colleagues.
- He outdraws his rivals. | She outdraws her peers.
- We sometimes outdraw other teams.
- You (plural) consistently outdraw other groups.
- They rarely outdraw their competitors.
★ i am outdrawing
★ you are outdrawing
★ he/she/it is outdrawing
★ we are outdrawing
★ you are outdrawing
★ they are outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Present Continuous
- I am outdrawing my opponents right now.
- You are outdrawing everyone here.
- He is outdrawing his competitors. | She is outdrawing her peers.
- We are outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) are outdrawing other groups.
- They are outdrawing each other in every task.
★ i have outdrawn
★ you have outdrawn
★ he/she/it has outdrawn
★ we have outdrawn
★ you have outdrawn
★ they have outdrawn
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Present Perfect
- I have outdrawn many of my rivals.
- You have outdrawn yourself this time.
- He has outdrawn his peers. | She has outdrawn her expectations.
- We have outdrawn other teams.
- You (plural) have outdrawn all other competitors.
- They have outdrawn everyone else in the contest.
★ i have been outdrawing
★ you have been outdrawing
★ he/she/it has been outdrawing
★ we have been outdrawing
★ you have been outdrawing
★ they have been outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been outdrawing my opponents since last year.
- You have been outdrawing consistently.
- He has been outdrawing his rivals. | She has been outdrawing her peers.
- We have been outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) have been outdrawing other groups.
- They have been outdrawing each other fiercely.
★ i outdrew
★ you outdrew
★ he/she/it outdrew
★ we outdrew
★ you outdrew
★ they outdrew
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Past Simple
- I outdrew my opponents in the last competition.
- You outdrew your rivals in the event.
- He outdrew his peers. | She outdrew her competitors.
- We outdrew everyone in that challenge.
- You (plural) outdrew other participants.
- They outdrew each other in the race.
★ i was outdrawing
★ you were outdrawing
★ he/she/it was outdrawing
★ we were outdrawing
★ you were outdrawing
★ they were outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Past Continuous
- I was outdrawing my opponents all afternoon.
- You were outdrawing everyone aggressively.
- He was outdrawing his rivals. | She was outdrawing her peers.
- We were outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) were outdrawing other groups.
- They were outdrawing each other in the competition.
★ i had outdrawn
★ you had outdrawn
★ he/she/it had outdrawn
★ we had outdrawn
★ you had outdrawn
★ they had outdrawn
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Past Perfect
- I had outdrawn my opponents before the final round.
- You had outdrawn all other participants.
- He had outdrawn his peers. | She had outdrawn her competitors.
- We had outdrawn other teams.
- You (plural) had outdrawn everyone else.
- They had outdrawn each other in previous events.
★ i had been outdrawing
★ you had been outdrawing
★ he/she/it had been outdrawing
★ we had been outdrawing
★ you had been outdrawing
★ they had been outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Past Perfect Continuous
- I had been outdrawing my opponents for months.
- You had been outdrawing consistently.
- He had been outdrawing his rivals. | She had been outdrawing her peers.
- We had been outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) had been outdrawing other groups.
- They had been outdrawing each other fiercely.
★ i will outdraw
★ you will outdraw
★ he/she/it will outdraw
★ we will outdraw
★ you will outdraw
★ they will outdraw
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Future Simple
- I will outdraw my opponents if given the chance.
- You will outdraw your competitors.
- He will outdraw his peers. | She will outdraw her rivals.
- We will outdraw other teams.
- You (plural) will outdraw the highest scorers.
- They will outdraw each other in the tournament.
★ i will be outdrawing
★ you will be outdrawing
★ he/she/it will be outdrawing
★ we will be outdrawing
★ you will be outdrawing
★ they will be outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Future Continuous
- I will be outdrawing my opponents throughout the season.
- You will be outdrawing aggressively.
- He will be outdrawing his rivals. | She will be outdrawing her peers.
- We will be outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) will be outdrawing other groups.
- They will be outdrawing each other in the contest.
★ i will have outdrawn
★ you will have outdrawn
★ he/she/it will have outdrawn
★ we will have outdrawn
★ you will have outdrawn
★ they will have outdrawn
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Future Perfect
- I will have outdrawn my opponents by the end of the year.
- You will have outdrawn all other participants.
- He will have outdrawn his peers. | She will have outdrawn her competitors.
- We will have outdrawn other teams.
- You (plural) will have outdrawn everyone else.
- They will have outdrawn each other for the top spot.
★ i will have been outdrawing
★ you will have been outdrawing
★ he/she/it will have been outdrawing
★ we will have been outdrawing
★ you will have been outdrawing
★ they will have been outdrawing
Examples of the verb 'outdraw' in the Future Perfect Continuous
- I will have been outdrawing my opponents for years.
- You will have been outdrawing consistently.
- He will have been outdrawing his rivals. | She will have been outdrawing her peers.
- We will have been outdrawing other teams.
- You (plural) will have been outdrawing other groups.
- They will have been outdrawing each other fiercely.

conjugation of verb outdraw