Irregular verbs  Regular verbs

outspread, outspreads, outspreading, outspread
Synonyms: surpass, exceed in spreading, cover more area than

Antonyms: spread less than, cover less area than

The verb "outspread" is an irregular verb in English, used to describe the action of spreading something out more widely or extensively than something else. Its conjugation deviates from the regular pattern for verbs.

In the present simple tense, "outspread" follows its base form for most subjects: "I outspread," "you outspread," "he/she/it outspreads," and so on. For example, "The bird outspreads its wings in the morning sun."

In the past simple tense, "outspread" remains "outspread," following the irregular verb pattern where the base form and past tense are the same. For instance, "The eagle outspread its wings over the landscape."

The past participle of "outspread" is also "outspread." When forming perfect tenses, such as the present perfect or past perfect, the past participle is combined with auxiliary verbs. For example, "The vines have outspread across the entire garden."

Understanding the irregular conjugation of "outspread" is essential for describing actions involving extensive or wide-ranging spreading. This verb can be used in various contexts, including nature, movement, and metaphorical expressions involving expansion or growth.

The verb "outspread" plays an important role in describing something that extends beyond typical boundaries, whether literal or figurative. It highlights the concept of broadening or covering a larger area, making it useful in many descriptive situations.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.

★ i outspread
★ you outspread
★ he/she/it outspreads
★ we outspread
★ you outspread
★ they outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Present Simple
- I often outspread my arms when I'm excited.
- You outspread your wings with confidence.
- He outspreads the blanket over the grass. | She outspreads her ideas across different platforms.
- We outspread the message of peace wherever we go.
- You (plural) outspread your influence throughout the organization.
- They outspread their branches as far as the horizon.
★ i am outspreading
★ you are outspreading
★ he/she/it is outspreading
★ we are outspreading
★ you are outspreading
★ they are outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Present Continuous
- I am outspreading my plans to the team right now.
- You are outspreading your wings for the first flight.
- He is outspreading the news across the community. | She is outspreading her enthusiasm throughout the room.
- We are outspreading the fabric to cover the table.
- You (plural) are outspreading your vision to the company.
- They are outspreading the map on the floor to examine it.
★ i have outspread
★ you have outspread
★ he/she/it has outspread
★ we have outspread
★ you have outspread
★ they have outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Present Perfect
- I have outspread my arms every time I meet someone.
- You have outspread your ideas in multiple forums.
- He has outspread the canvas across the wall. | She has outspread her efforts across several projects.
- We have outspread the net to catch fish.
- You (plural) have outspread your network across the country.
- They have outspread their wings in preparation for migration.
★ i have been outspreading
★ you have been outspreading
★ he/she/it has been outspreading
★ we have been outspreading
★ you have been outspreading
★ they have been outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been outspreading my message for months now.
- You have been outspreading your influence steadily across the community.
- He has been outspreading his wings to practice flying. | She has been outspreading her projects across different domains.
- We have been outspreading the tarpaulin over the ground for hours.
- You (plural) have been outspreading your strategy over the past few meetings.
- They have been outspreading their branches since early spring.
★ i outspread
★ you outspread
★ he/she/it outspread
★ we outspread
★ you outspread
★ they outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Past Simple
- I outspread my arms in a moment of joy yesterday.
- You outspread your influence across the industry last year.
- He outspread his wings in the morning. | She outspread her ideas during the conference.
- We outspread the picnic blanket under the tree last weekend.
- You (plural) outspread the net over the lake.
- They outspread their knowledge to their followers last month.
★ i was outspreading
★ you were outspreading
★ he/she/it was outspreading
★ we were outspreading
★ you were outspreading
★ they were outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Past Continuous
- I was outspreading my energy across the room during the performance.
- You were outspreading your wings when I saw you.
- He was outspreading his papers on the desk. | She was outspreading her plans during the meeting.
- We were outspreading the tablecloth when the guests arrived.
- You (plural) were outspreading your message at the event.
- They were outspreading the branches of the tree during the pruning.
★ i had outspread
★ you had outspread
★ he/she/it had outspread
★ we had outspread
★ you had outspread
★ they had outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Past Perfect
- I had outspread my ideas long before others caught on.
- You had outspread your influence across the department before the change happened.
- He had outspread his canvas by the time I arrived. | She had outspread her wings before taking off.
- We had outspread the sails before the wind came.
- You (plural) had outspread the flag by the end of the ceremony.
- They had outspread their research long before the competition.
★ i had been outspreading
★ you had been outspreading
★ he/she/it had been outspreading
★ we had been outspreading
★ you had been outspreading
★ they had been outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Past Perfect Continuous
- I had been outspreading my enthusiasm for hours before anyone noticed.
- You had been outspreading your reputation long before the event started.
- He had been outspreading his thoughts over several discussions. | She had been outspreading her wings in the sun for most of the afternoon.
- We had been outspreading the banner all day before the parade.
- You (plural) had been outspreading your contacts throughout the year.
- They had been outspreading their arms while waiting for instructions.
★ i will outspread
★ you will outspread
★ he/she/it will outspread
★ we will outspread
★ you will outspread
★ they will outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Future Simple
- I will outspread my arms when I reach the peak.
- You will outspread your influence far and wide.
- He will outspread the map on the table. | She will outspread her wings when the moment comes.
- We will outspread the message of hope at the rally.
- You (plural) will outspread the sails before the voyage begins.
- They will outspread their branches as the tree grows taller.
★ i will be outspreading
★ you will be outspreading
★ he/she/it will be outspreading
★ we will be outspreading
★ you will be outspreading
★ they will be outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Future Continuous
- I will be outspreading my talents across multiple disciplines.
- You will be outspreading your ideas throughout the project.
- He will be outspreading the tablecloth when the guests arrive. | She will be outspreading her wings for the first time.
- We will be outspreading the banner during the parade.
- You (plural) will be outspreading your influence at the next conference.
- They will be outspreading the branches of the tree in the next few months.
★ i will have outspread
★ you will have outspread
★ he/she/it will have outspread
★ we will have outspread
★ you will have outspread
★ they will have outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Future Perfect
- I will have outspread my ideas across all platforms by the end of the year.
- You will have outspread your reach throughout the organization before the new policy is implemented.
- He will have outspread his wings by then. | She will have outspread her plans across all departments by the time the project finishes.
- We will have outspread the tarp over the entire field.
- You (plural) will have outspread your network globally by next year.
- They will have outspread their influence before anyone notices.
★ i will have been outspreading
★ you will have been outspreading
★ he/she/it will have been outspreading
★ we will have been outspreading
★ you will have been outspreading
★ they will have been outspreading
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Future Perfect Continuous
- I will have been outspreading my message for months by the time the campaign is over.
- You will have been outspreading your ideas across the community for weeks.
- He will have been outspreading his wings for days. | She will have been outspreading her strategies across different teams for months.
- We will have been outspreading the cloth for hours by the time the event starts.
- You (plural) will have been outspreading your efforts for the entire quarter.
- They will have been outspreading their arms in the practice sessions for weeks.

conjugation of verb outspread