★ i dig
★ you dig
★ he/she/it digs
★ we dig
★ you dig
★ they dig
Examples of verb 'dig' in the Present Simple:
- I dig in the garden every weekend.
- You dig a hole for the new tree.
- He digs a trench for the pipes. | She digs through the boxes looking for her old toys.
- We dig deep to find the treasure.
- You (plural) dig into the sand to build a sandcastle.
- They dig up the road to repair the pipes.

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★ i deal
★ you deal
★ he/she/it deals
★ we deal
★ you deal
★ they deal
Examples of verb 'deal' in the Present Simple:
- I deal with customer inquiries on a daily basis.
- You deal with difficult situations very well.
- He deals with stress by exercising regularly. | She deals with challenging clients every day.
- We deal with different cultures in our international business.
- You (plural) deal with technical issues in your department.
- They deal with complaints from customers.

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