★ i outstand
★ you outstand
★ he/she/it outstands
★ we outstand
★ you outstand
★ they outstand
Examples of the verb 'outstand' in the Present Simple
- I outstand in organizing team events every quarter.
- You outstand when presenting complex information clearly.
- He outstands by always meeting his deadlines. | She outstands in managing multiple projects simultaneously.
- We outstand through our commitment to customer satisfaction.
- You (plural) outstand by providing excellent support to clients.
- They outstand in developing innovative solutions for challenges.

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★ i outspring
★ you outspring
★ he/she/it outsprings
★ we outspring
★ you outspring
★ they outspring
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Present Simple
- I often outspring from my comfort zone to explore new opportunities.
- You outspring ideas that surprise everyone around you.
- He outsprings his competitors with innovative strategies. | She outsprings to new heights in her career.
- We outspring enthusiasm in every project we undertake.
- You (plural) outspring laughter in the group discussions.
- They outspring creativity through their art.

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★ i outspread
★ you outspread
★ he/she/it outspreads
★ we outspread
★ you outspread
★ they outspread
Examples of the verb 'outspread' in the Present Simple
- I often outspread my arms when I'm excited.
- You outspread your wings with confidence.
- He outspreads the blanket over the grass. | She outspreads her ideas across different platforms.
- We outspread the message of peace wherever we go.
- You (plural) outspread your influence throughout the organization.
- They outspread their branches as far as the horizon.

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★ i outspin
★ you outspin
★ he/she/it outspins
★ we outspin
★ you outspin
★ they outspin
Examples of the verb 'outspin' in the Present Simple
- I often outspin my competitors during the match.
- You usually outspin your opponent in the game.
- He outspins his rivals. | She outspins her peers.
- We regularly outspin other teams.
- You (plural) frequently outspin the competition.
- They occasionally outspin their rivals in every spin-off.

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★ i outspend
★ you outspend
★ he/she/it outspends
★ we outspend
★ you outspend
★ they outspend
Examples of the verb 'outspend' in the Present Simple
- I often outspend my budget on unnecessary items.
- You usually outspend your colleagues.
- He outspends his friends. | She outspends her family.
- We sometimes outspend our savings.
- You (plural) consistently outspend other groups.
- They rarely outspend their limits.

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