★ i fade
★ you fade
★ he/she/it fades
★ we fade
★ you fade
★ they fade
Examples of verb 'fade' in the Present Simple:
- I fade away from the memories.
- You fade into the distance.
- He fades with time. | She fades gracefully with age.
- We fade under the sun.
- You (plural) fade after exertion.
- They fade away from the limelight.

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★ i faint
★ you faint
★ he/she/it faints
★ we faint
★ you faint
★ they faint
Examples of verb 'faint' in the Present Simple:
- I faint at the sight of blood.
- You faint when feeling overwhelmed.
- He faints during intense situations. | She faints due to low blood sugar.
- We faint from exhaustion.
- You (plural) faint under stress.
- They faint at the thought of heights.

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★ i face
★ you face
★ he/she/it faces
★ we face
★ you face
★ they face
Examples of verb 'face' in the Present Simple:
- I face challenges every day.
- You face difficult decisions in your career.
- He faces criticism from his peers. | She faces a dilemma about her future.
- We face obstacles in our project.
- You (plural) face various situations in your job.
- They face a competitive market.

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