Irregular verbs  Regular verbs

draw, draws, drew, drawn, drawing
Synonyms: sketch, depict, outline, illustrate, portray

Antonyms: erase, rub out, eliminate, remove, clear

The verb "draw" is an irregular verb in English, commonly used to create images or diagrams. Its conjugation deviates from regular verbs. In the present simple tense, "draw" follows its base form for most subjects: "I draw," "you draw," "he/she/it draws," and so forth. For example, "She draws cartoons in her free time."

In the past simple tense, "draw" changes to "drew." This irregular form is used to recount actions that took place and concluded in the past. For instance, "He drew a map to help them find their way."

The past participle of "draw" is also "drawn." When forming perfect tenses, such as present perfect or past perfect, the past participle is combined with auxiliary verbs. An example sentence is "They have drawn some amazing pictures."

Understanding the irregular conjugation of "draw" is essential for accurately describing actions related to creating images or diagrams. The verb "draw" is also used in various idiomatic expressions, adding to its versatility in the English language.

Irregular verbs in English are special verbs that don't follow standard rules for changing forms. You need to memorize their specific forms instead of following regular patterns.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.

★ i draw
★ you draw
★ he/she/it draws
★ we draw
★ you draw
★ they draw
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Present Simple:
- I draw cartoons in my free time.
- You draw a beautiful landscape.
- He draws portraits of famous people. | She draws sketches of animals.
- We draw maps for the geography class.
- You (plural) draw illustrations for the book.
- They draw designs for the new building.
★ i am drawing
★ you are drawing
★ he/she/it is drawing
★ we are drawing
★ you are drawing
★ they are drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Present Continuous:
- I am drawing a picture for my friend.
- You are drawing a diagram for the presentation.
- He is drawing a comic strip. | She is drawing a still life.
- We are drawing the blueprint for the house.
- You (plural) are drawing a map of the city.
- They are drawing sketches of their new project.
★ i have drawn
★ you have drawn
★ he/she/it has drawn
★ we have drawn
★ you have drawn
★ they have drawn
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Present Perfect:
- I have drawn a portrait of my grandmother.
- You have drawn a map of the neighborhood.
- He has drawn a picture of his favorite superhero. | She has drawn sketches of flowers.
- We have drawn illustrations for the magazine.
- You (plural) have drawn diagrams for the report.
- They have drawn designs for the fashion show.
★ i have been drawing
★ you have been drawing
★ he/she/it has been drawing
★ we have been drawing
★ you have been drawing
★ they have been drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Present Perfect Continuous:
- I have been drawing since this morning.
- You have been drawing for hours.
- He has been drawing the whole day. | She has been drawing different patterns.
- We have been drawing illustrations for the book.
- You (plural) have been drawing sketches for the project.
- They have been drawing designs for the competition.
★ i drew
★ you drew
★ he/she/it drew
★ we drew
★ you drew
★ they drew
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Past Simple:
- I drew a picture of the beach last summer.
- You drew a map of the city for the school project.
- He drew a portrait of his friend. | She drew sketches of the old buildings.
- We drew diagrams for the science experiment.
- You (plural) drew illustrations for the magazine.
- They drew designs for the new website.
★ i was drawing
★ you were drawing
★ he/she/it was drawing
★ we were drawing
★ you were drawing
★ they were drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Past Continuous:
- I was drawing a picture when the phone rang.
- You were drawing a diagram for the presentation.
- He was drawing a comic strip. | She was drawing a still life.
- We were drawing the blueprint for the house.
- You (plural) were drawing a map of the city.
- They were drawing sketches of their new project.
★ i had drawn
★ you had drawn
★ he/she/it had drawn
★ we had drawn
★ you had drawn
★ they had drawn
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Past Perfect:
- I had drawn a portrait of my grandmother before she passed away.
- You had drawn a map of the neighborhood before the trip.
- He had drawn a picture of his favorite superhero. | She had drawn sketches of flowers.
- We had drawn illustrations for the magazine.
- You (plural) had drawn diagrams for the report.
- They had drawn designs for the fashion show.
★ i had been drawing
★ you had been drawing
★ he/she/it had been drawing
★ we had been drawing
★ you had been drawing
★ they had been drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Past Perfect Continuous:
- I had been drawing since I was a child.
- You had been drawing for hours before I arrived.
- He had been drawing the whole day. | She had been drawing different patterns.
- We had been drawing illustrations for the book.
- You (plural) had been drawing sketches for the project.
- They had been drawing designs for the competition.
★ i will draw
★ you will draw
★ he/she/it will draw
★ we will draw
★ you will draw
★ they will draw
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Future Simple:
- I will draw a picture of the city skyline.
- You will draw a diagram for the new project.
- He will draw a portrait of his family. | She will draw sketches of the flowers in the garden.
- We will draw illustrations for the children's book.
- You (plural) will draw designs for the fashion show.
- They will draw maps for the hiking trail.
★ i will be drawing
★ you will be drawing
★ he/she/it will be drawing
★ we will be drawing
★ you will be drawing
★ they will be drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Future Continuous:
- I will be drawing a picture when you arrive.
- You will be drawing a diagram for the presentation.
- He will be drawing a comic strip. | She will be drawing a still life.
- We will be drawing the blueprint for the house.
- You (plural) will be drawing a map of the city.
- They will be drawing sketches of their new project.
★ i will have drawn
★ you will have drawn
★ he/she/it will have drawn
★ we will have drawn
★ you will have drawn
★ they will have drawn
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Future Perfect:
- I will have drawn the plans by the time you get here.
- You will have drawn a map of the area by then.
- He will have drawn the picture. | She will have drawn sketches of the landscape.
- We will have drawn illustrations for the book.
- You (plural) will have drawn diagrams for the report.
- They will have drawn designs for the new building.
★ i will have been drawing
★ you will have been drawing
★ he/she/it will have been drawing
★ we will have been drawing
★ you will have been drawing
★ they will have been drawing
Examples of verb 'draw' in the Future Perfect Continuous:
- I will have been drawing for hours by then.
- You will have been drawing sketches for days.
- He will have been drawing the whole day. | She will have been drawing different patterns.
- We will have been drawing illustrations for weeks.
- You (plural) will have been drawing diagrams for the project.
- They will have been drawing designs for the competition.

conjugation of verb draw