Regular verbs Irregular verbs
dream, dreams, dreamed / dreamt, dreaming
Synonyms: imagine, envision, fantasize, daydream, hallucinate
Antonyms: start, begin, initiate, commence, inaugurate
This verb has two forms in certain tenses: 'dreamed' and 'dreamt'. Thus, it can be either regular or irregular.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.
Irregular verbs in English are special verbs that don't follow standard rules for changing forms. You need to memorize their specific forms instead of following regular patterns.
★ i | dream |
★ you | dream |
★ he/she/it | dreams |
★ we | dream |
★ you | dream |
★ they | dream |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Present Simple: |
- I dream about travel often. |
- You dream of success every night. |
- He dreams of becoming an astronaut. | She dreams of creating art. |
- We dream big for the future. |
- You (plural) dream about your goals. |
- They dream of making a difference. |
★ i am | dreaming |
★ you are | dreaming |
★ he/she/it is | dreaming |
★ we are | dreaming |
★you are | dreaming |
★ they are | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Present Continuous: |
- I am dreaming of a tropical vacation. |
- You are dreaming about your next adventure. |
- He is dreaming of success. | She is dreaming about her future. |
- We are dreaming big for the company. |
- You (plural) are dreaming of achieving your dreams. |
- They are dreaming of changing the world. |
★ i have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ he/she/it has | dreamed/dreamt |
★ we have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ they have | dreamed/dreamt |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Present Perfect: |
- I have dreamed / dreamt of this moment for years. |
- You have dreamed / dreamt about reaching your goals. |
- He has dreamed / dreamt of traveling. | She has dreamed / dreamt of creating a masterpiece. |
- We have dreamed / dreamt big for a long time. |
- You (plural) have dreamed / dreamt about making a difference. |
- They have dreamed / dreamt of success in their careers. |
★ i have been | dreaming |
★ you have been | dreaming |
★ he/she/it has been | dreaming |
★ we have been | dreaming |
★ you have been | dreaming |
★ they have been | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Present Perfect Continuous: |
- I have been dreaming of success since I started. |
- You have been dreaming about your future consistently. |
- He has been dreaming of becoming an artist. | She has been dreaming of changing the world. |
- We have been dreaming big for months. |
- You (plural) have been dreaming about your goals continuously. |
- They have been dreaming of making a positive impact. |
★ i | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you | dreamed/dreamt |
★ he/she/it | dreamed/dreamt |
★ we | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you | dreamed/dreamt |
★ they | dreamed/dreamt |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Past Simple: |
- I dreamed / dreamt about my childhood last night. |
- You dreamed / dreamt of traveling to exotic places. |
- He dreamed / dreamt of becoming a pilot. | She dreamed / dreamt of creating a masterpiece. |
- We dreamed / dreamt big for our wedding day. |
- You (plural) dreamed / dreamt about achieving your goals. |
- They dreamed / dreamt of making a positive impact on the community. |
★ i was | dreaming |
★ you were | dreaming |
★ he/she/it was | dreaming |
★ we were | dreaming |
★ you were | dreaming |
★ they were | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Past Continuous: |
- I was dreaming of success when the phone rang. |
- You were dreaming about your future during that time. |
- He was dreaming of a better life. | She was dreaming of creating art. |
- We were dreaming big for the company. |
- You (plural) were dreaming about your goals. |
- They were dreaming of changing the world. |
★ i had | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you had | dreamed/dreamt |
★ he/she/it had | dreamed/dreamt |
★ we had | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you had | dreamed/dreamt |
★ they had | dreamed/dreamt |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Past Perfect: |
- I had dreamed / dreamt of this moment for years before it happened. |
- You had dreamed / dreamt about reaching your goals by then. |
- He had dreamed / dreamt of traveling. | She had dreamed / dreamt of creating a masterpiece. |
- We had dreamed / dreamt big for a long time. |
- You (plural) had dreamed / dreamt about making a difference. |
- They had dreamed / dreamt of success in their careers. |
★ i had been | dreaming |
★ you had been | dreaming |
★ he/she/it had been | dreaming |
★ we had been | dreaming |
★ you had been | dreaming |
★ they had been | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Past Perfect Continuous: |
- I had been dreaming of success for months before it became a reality. |
- You had been dreaming about your future consistently. |
- He had been dreaming of becoming an artist. | She had been dreaming of changing the world. |
- We had been dreaming big for a while. |
- You (plural) had been dreaming about your goals continuously. |
- They had been dreaming of making a positive impact. |
★ i will | dream |
★ you will | dream |
★ he/she/it will | dream |
★ we will | dream |
★ you will | dream |
★ they will | dream |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Future Simple: |
- I will dream of success in the future. |
- You will dream about your future adventures. |
- He will dream of achieving his goals. | She will dream of creating a masterpiece. |
- We will dream big for our family. |
- You (plural) will dream about making a positive impact. |
- They will dream of success in their endeavors. |
★ i will be | dreaming |
★ you will be | dreaming |
★ he/she/it will be | dreaming |
★ we will be | dreaming |
★ you will be | dreaming |
★ they will be | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Future Continuous: |
- I will be dreaming of success when you call. |
- You will be dreaming about your future during the presentation. |
- He will be dreaming of a better life. | She will be dreaming of creating art. |
- We will be dreaming big for the community. |
- You (plural) will be dreaming about your goals. |
- They will be dreaming of making a positive impact on society. |
★ i will have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you will have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ he/she/it will have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ we will have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ you will have | dreamed/dreamt |
★ they will have | dreamed/dreamt |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Future Perfect: |
- I will have dreamed / dreamt of this moment for years by then. |
- You will have dreamed / dreamt about reaching your goals. |
- He will have dreamed / dreamt of traveling. | She will have dreamed / dreamt of creating a masterpiece. |
- We will have dreamed / dreamt big for a long time. |
- You (plural) will have dreamed / dreamt about making a positive impact. |
- They will have dreamed / dreamt of success in their careers. |
★ i will have been | dreaming |
★ you will have been | dreaming |
★ he/she/it will have been | dreaming |
★ we will have been | dreaming |
★ you will have been | dreaming |
★ they will have been | dreaming |
Examples of verb 'dream' in the Future Perfect Continuous: |
- I will have been dreaming of success for hours before the event. |
- You will have been dreaming about your future consistently. |
- He will have been dreaming of becoming an artist. | She will have been dreaming of changing the world. |
- We will have been dreaming big for a while. |
- You (plural) will have been dreaming about your goals continuously. |
- They will have been dreaming of making a positive impact on society. |
- conjugation of verb outspring
- conjugation of verb forego
- conjugation of verb concern
- conjugation of verb disarm
- conjugation of verb face
- Conjugation of verb Admit
- conjugation of verb communicate
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- conjugation of verb build
- conjugation of verb outfight
- conjugation of verb describe
- conjugation of verb breed
- conjugation of verb have
- conjugation of verb fly
- conjugation of verb curl
- conjugation of verb be
- Conjugation of verb Allow
- conjugation of verb outsit
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- conjugation of verb consist
- conjugation of verb abide
- conjugation of verb overdraw
- conjugation of verb go
- conjugation of verb do
- conjugation of verb flash
- conjugation of verb crack
- conjugation of verb drown
- conjugation of verb expect
- Conjugation of verb Appreciate
- conjugation of verb draw
- conjugation of verb grind
- Conjugation of verb cause
- conjugation of verb outswim
- conjugation of verb cry
- Conjugation of verb Announce
- conjugation of verb misunderstand
- conjugation of verb bid
- Conjugation of verb change
- conjugation of verb colour
- conjugation of verb coil
- conjugation of verb fade
- conjugation of verb outsee
- conjugation of verb forget
- conjugation of verb choose
- Conjugation of verb Argue
- conjugation of verb command
- conjugation of verb fax
- conjugation of verb copy
- Conjugation of verb Ask
- conjugation of verb decide
- conjugation of verb blow
- conjugation of verb outspeak
- Conjugation of verb check
- conjugation of verb bleed
- Conjugation of verb Bat
- conjugation of verb overfly
- conjugation of verb buy
- conjugation of verb outshine
- Conjugation of verb Back
- conjugation of verb finish
- conjugation of verb hang
- conjugation of verb complain
- Conjugation of verb Avoid
- conjugation of verb enter
- conjugation of verb contain
- conjugation of verb clear
- Conjugation of verb carry
- Conjugation of verb Afford
- conjugation of verb dance
- conjugation of verb overgrow
- conjugation of verb exist
- conjugation of verb dress
- Conjugation of verb Achieve
- conjugation of verb film
- Conjugation of verb chase
- conjugation of verb bring
- conjugation of verb outlie
- conjugation of verb cough
- conjugation of verb eat
- conjugation of verb compete
- conjugation of verb chew
- conjugation of verb follow
- conjugation of verb drink
- Conjugation of verb Arrange
- conjugation of verb overdo
- conjugation of verb double
- Conjugation of verb Attract
- Conjugation of verb call
- conjugation of verb forsake
- Conjugation of verb Ban
- conjugation of verb grow
- conjugation of verb complete
- Conjugation of verb Blink
- Conjugation of verb Balance
- conjugation of verb deceive
- Conjugation of verb challenge
- conjugation of verb force
- conjugation of verb keep
- conjugation of verb awake
- conjugation of verb drop
- conjugation of verb come
- conjugation of verb connect
- conjugation of verb break
- conjugation of verb fasten
- conjugation of verb hit
- conjugation of verb examine
- Conjugation of verb Arrive
- conjugation of verb detect
- conjugation of verb mean
- conjugation of verb freeze
- conjugation of verb forgive
- conjugation of verb choke
- Conjugation of verb Applaud
- conjugation of verb fan
- conjugation of verb flee
- conjugation of verb outbid
- conjugation of verb discover
- conjugation of verb knit
- Conjugation of verb Bomb
- Conjugation of verb Bore
- Conjugation of verb Breathe
- Conjugation of verb Bolt
- conjugation of verb hear
- Conjugation of verb Amuse
- conjugation of verb entertain
- Conjugation of verb Brush
- Conjugation of verb Bubble
- conjugation of verb beat
- conjugation of verb find
- Conjugation of verb Bake
- Conjugation of verb Advise
- conjugation of verb cost
- Conjugation of verb Behave
- conjugation of verb catch
- conjugation of verb cut
- conjugation of verb depend
- conjugation of verb outgrow
- conjugation of verb outdo
- conjugation of verb lean
- conjugation of verb light
- conjugation of verb fetch
- conjugation of verb consider
- conjugation of verb clean
- conjugation of verb mistake
- conjugation of verb overcome
- conjugation of verb accept
- conjugation of verb outshoot
- Conjugation of verb Bow
- Conjugation of verb Attempt
- Conjugation of verb Apologise
- Conjugation of verb care
- conjugation of verb give
- conjugation of verb foretell
- conjugation of verb dig
- conjugation of verb outdrink
- conjugation of verb burst
- conjugation of verb outsing
- conjugation of verb lead
- conjugation of verb fancy
- conjugation of verb extend
- conjugation of verb dare
- conjugation of verb outthink
- conjugation of verb close
- Conjugation of verb Boil
- conjugation of verb divide
- conjugation of verb outdrive
- Conjugation of verb Bleach
- conjugation of verb outride
- Conjugation of verb Brake
- conjugation of verb outthrow
- Conjugation of verb Bruise
- Conjugation of verb Approve
- Conjugation of verb Blot
- conjugation of verb delight
- conjugation of verb delay
- conjugation of verb outspin
- conjugation of verb outspread
- conjugation of verb fry
- conjugation of verb end
- conjugation of verb outstand
- Conjugation of verb Bang
- conjugation of verb overhang
- Conjugation of verb Bounce
- conjugation of verb overbid
- conjugation of verb outsell
- Conjugation of verb Appear
- conjugation of verb count
- conjugation of verb outswear
- conjugation of verb dust
- conjugation of verb form
- conjugation of verb develop
- conjugation of verb drain
- conjugation of verb enjoy
- conjugation of verb hold
- conjugation of verb correct
- conjugation of verb cling
- Conjugation of verb Box
- conjugation of verb expand
- conjugation of verb bet
- conjugation of verb exercise
- conjugation of verb crush
- conjugation of verb disapprove
- conjugation of verb overfeed
- conjugation of verb curve
- conjugation of verb leap
- conjugation of verb lend
- conjugation of verb fill
- conjugation of verb feel
- conjugation of verb drum
- Conjugation of verb Bury
- conjugation of verb overblow
- conjugation of verb cast
- conjugation of verb flood
- conjugation of verb flow
- Regular verb list
- conjugation of verb arise
- conjugation of verb excite
- Conjugation of verb Bless
- conjugation of verb outsmell
- conjugation of verb fight
- Conjugation of verb Blind
- conjugation of verb begin
- Conjugation of verb Blush
- conjugation of verb overdrink
- conjugation of verb fool
- conjugation of verb faint
- conjugation of verb mislay
- Conjugation of verb Analyse
- conjugation of verb drag
- Conjugation of verb Annoy
- conjugation of verb kneel
- Conjugation of verb camp
- conjugation of verb crash
- conjugation of verb encourage
- conjugation of verb employ
- conjugation of verb compare
- conjugation of verb dry
- Conjugation of verb Bathe
- conjugation of verb earn
- Conjugation of verb Boast
- conjugation of verb inlay
- conjugation of verb fix
- conjugation of verb hide
- Conjugation of verb Book
- conjugation of verb let
- conjugation of verb drive
- conjugation of verb lie (lying down)
- conjugation of verb learn
- conjugation of verb foresee
- conjugation of verb outfly
- conjugation of verb destroy
- conjugation of verb bear
- conjugation of verb get
- conjugation of verb dislike
- Conjugation of verb Attend
- conjugation of verb confuse
- conjugation of verb disagree
- Conjugation of verb Borrow
- conjugation of verb outrun
- Conjugation of verb charge
- conjugation of verb deserve
- conjugation of verb deal
- conjugation of verb leave
- Conjugation of verb Admire
- Conjugation of verb Buzz
- Conjugation of verb Burn
- conjugation of verb decay
- Conjugation of verb Bare
- Conjugation of verb carve
- conjugation of verb fail
- conjugation of verb become
- conjugation of verb confess
- conjugation of verb cycle
- conjugation of verb continue
- conjugation of verb claim
- Conjugation of verb Branch
- conjugation of verb educate
- conjugation of verb concentrate
- conjugation of verb hurt
- conjugation of verb dream
- Conjugation of verb Battle
- conjugation of verb flower
- conjugation of verb forbid
- conjugation of verb explode
- conjugation of verb embarrass
- conjugation of verb drip
- conjugation of verb input
- conjugation of verb feed
- Conjugation of verb Attack
- conjugation of verb know
- conjugation of verb explain
- Conjugation of verb Arrest
- conjugation of verb clip
- conjugation of verb frame
- conjugation of verb flap
- conjugation of verb dive
- conjugation of verb fit
- conjugation of verb dam
- conjugation of verb fear
- conjugation of verb fall
- conjugation of verb creep
- Conjugation of verb Attach
- Conjugation of verb Beam
- Conjugation of verb Answer
- conjugation of verb fold
- conjugation of verb cure
- conjugation of verb Add
- conjugation of verb outleap
- Conjugation of verb Adopt
- conjugation of verb doubt
- conjugation of verb file
- conjugation of verb bend
- conjugation of verb overeat
- conjugation of verb cross
- Conjugation of verb calculate
- conjugation of verb collect
- conjugation of verb comb
- conjugation of verb make
- conjugation of verb bite
- conjugation of verb coach
- Conjugation of verb Agree
- conjugation of verb meet
- Conjugation of verb Belong
- conjugation of verb outdraw
- conjugation of verb empty
- conjugation of verb interweave
- conjugation of verb cover
- conjugation of verb clap
- conjugation of verb disappear
- conjugation of verb cheer
- conjugation of verb chop
- conjugation of verb desert
- Conjugation of verb Alert
- conjugation of verb outtell
- conjugation of verb fling
- conjugation of verb outsleep
- conjugation of verb crawl
- Conjugation of verb cheat
- conjugation of verb float
- conjugation of verb lay
- conjugation of verb deliver
- Conjugation of verb Beg
- conjugation of verb outwrite
- conjugation of verb escape
- conjugation of verb decorate
- conjugation of verb outspend