Irregular verbs  Regular verbs

outspring, outsprings, outspringing, outsprang, outsprung
Synonyms: outgrow, exceed in springing forth, surpass in growth

Antonyms: spring less than, be outsprung by

The verb "outspring" is an irregular and somewhat archaic verb in English, used to describe the action of springing forth more forcefully or rapidly than someone or something else. Its conjugation deviates from the regular pattern for verbs.

In the present simple tense, "outspring" follows its base form for most subjects: "I outspring," "you outspring," "he/she/it outsprings," and so on.

In the past simple tense, "outspring" changes to "outsprang." This form is used to describe actions that occurred and concluded in the past.

The past participle of "outspring" is "outsprung." This form is used in perfect tenses, such as present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. For example, "He has outsprung his competitors."

While "outspring" was once more commonly used to describe sudden, dynamic movements, it is now considered archaic and is rarely used in modern English. Contemporary verbs like "leap," "spring," or "jump" are more frequently employed today. You might encounter "outspring" in older literary works or poetic language, where it can add a dramatic or formal tone.
Regular verbs are verbs that follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" to the base form.

★ i outspring
★ you outspring
★ he/she/it outsprings
★ we outspring
★ you outspring
★ they outspring
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Present Simple
- I often outspring from my comfort zone to explore new opportunities.
- You outspring ideas that surprise everyone around you.
- He outsprings his competitors with innovative strategies. | She outsprings to new heights in her career.
- We outspring enthusiasm in every project we undertake.
- You (plural) outspring laughter in the group discussions.
- They outspring creativity through their art.
★ i am outspringing
★ you are outspringing
★ he/she/it is outspringing
★ we are outspringing
★ you are outspringing
★ they are outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Present Continuous
- I am outspringing new concepts in our brainstorming session.
- You are outspringing with excitement over the latest news.
- He is outspringing his limits during the training. | She is outspringing joy at the festival.
- We are outspringing new possibilities in the workshop.
- You (plural) are outspringing ideas like never before.
- They are outspringing together at the performance.
★ i have outsprung
★ you have outsprung
★ he/she/it has outsprung
★ we have outsprung
★ you have outsprung
★ they have outsprung
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Present Perfect
- I have outsprung from my past mistakes to become a better person.
- You have outsprung many great ideas this year.
- He has outsprung his best performance during the finals. | She has outsprung beyond her expectations.
- We have outsprung the usual limitations in our thinking.
- You (plural) have outsprung your competition in the market.
- They have outsprung a new trend in fashion.
★ i have been outspringing
★ you have been outspringing
★ he/she/it has been outspringing
★ we have been outspringing
★ you have been outspringing
★ they have been outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been outspringing my creativity for a long time.
- You have been outspringing your potential in every challenge.
- He has been outspringing his talent through various performances. | She has been outspringing her skills in the workshop.
- We have been outspringing possibilities in our discussions.
- You (plural) have been outspringing laughter in the community events.
- They have been outspringing ideas throughout the project.
★ i outsprang
★ you outsprang
★ he/she/it outsprang
★ we outsprang
★ you outsprang
★ they outsprang
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Past Simple
- I outsprang from the crowd yesterday to share my opinion.
- You outsprang your thoughts during the debate last week.
- He outsprang ahead of the competition in the race. | She outsprung her fears to pursue her dreams.
- We outsprang the excitement at the concert last night.
- You (plural) outsprang surprises at the family gathering.
- They outsprang new ideas in their presentations last month.
★ i was outspringing
★ you were outspringing
★ he/she/it was outspringing
★ we were outspringing
★ you were outspringing
★ they were outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Past Continuous
- I was outspringing with joy when I received the good news.
- You were outspringing your creativity during the festival.
- He was outspringing his talents on stage last night. | She was outspringing her skills in front of the audience.
- We were outspringing laughter during the performance.
- You (plural) were outspringing from your usual routines.
- They were outspringing new ideas throughout the discussion.
★ i had outsprung
★ you had outsprung
★ he/she/it had outsprung
★ we had outsprung
★ you had outsprung
★ they had outsprung
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Past Perfect
- I had outsprung from my previous challenges by the time I reached success.
- You had outsprung many projects before the deadline.
- He had outsprung his expectations by the end of the competition. | She had outsprung the rest of the team during the last round.
- We had outsprung our doubts about the new initiative.
- You (plural) had outsprung the limitations imposed by others.
- They had outsprung their previous achievements before the award ceremony.
★ i had been outspringing
★ you had been outspringing
★ he/she/it had been outspringing
★ we had been outspringing
★ you had been outspringing
★ they had been outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Past Perfect Continuous
- I had been outspringing my talents for years before the big break.
- You had been outspringing creativity in your work long before the recognition.
- He had been outspringing his ideas for months. | She had been outspringing her skills in every performance.
- We had been outspringing our potential since the beginning of the project.
- You (plural) had been outspringing laughter in the team meetings.
- They had been outspringing their knowledge through various workshops.
★ i will outspring
★ you will outspring
★ he/she/it will outspring
★ we will outspring
★ you will outspring
★ they will outspring
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Future Simple
- I will outspring from my comfort zone to embrace change.
- You will outspring new ideas that inspire others.
- He will outspring creativity in his next project. | She will outspring her passion at the event.
- We will outspring joy when we achieve our goals.
- You (plural) will outspring surprises at the party.
- They will outspring their potential in the upcoming competition.
★ i will be outspringing
★ you will be outspringing
★ he/she/it will be outspringing
★ we will be outspringing
★ you will be outspringing
★ they will be outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Future Continuous
- I will be outspringing my creativity during the next workshop.
- You will be outspringing your thoughts in the discussion tomorrow.
- He will be outspringing new possibilities in his work. | She will be outspringing her talent at the showcase.
- We will be outspringing laughter at the gathering.
- You (plural) will be outspringing from your daily routines.
- They will be outspringing together in the performance.
★ i will have outsprung
★ you will have outsprung
★ he/she/it will have outsprung
★ we will have outsprung
★ you will have outsprung
★ they will have outsprung
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Future Perfect
- I will have outsprung my limitations by the end of this project.
- You will have outsprung many challenges before the deadline.
- He will have outsprung his previous records by then. | She will have outsprung her expectations in the final round.
- We will have outsprung our doubts about the new strategy.
- You (plural) will have outsprung your competition by next year.
- They will have outsprung their previous achievements by the end of the competition.
★ i will have been outspringing
★ you will have been outspringing
★ he/she/it will have been outspringing
★ we will have been outspringing
★ you will have been outspringing
★ they will have been outspringing
Examples of the verb 'outspring' in the Future Perfect Continuous
- I will have been outspringing my skills for years by the time I retire.
- You will have been outspringing creativity throughout your career.
- He will have been outspringing his talents for a long time. | She will have been outspringing her ideas in various forums.
- We will have been outspringing the excitement for weeks before the event.
- You (plural) will have been outspringing laughter during the preparations.
- They will have been outspringing their energy for the entire day.

conjugation of verb outspring